A Cruz e a Prata
by Harun Farocki
Director: Harun Farocki
Producer: Harun Farocki Filmproduktion/Lumiar Cité/Maumaus
Portuguese version, narrated by Manuela Ribeiro Sanches
Year: 2010
Runtime: 17’
Funded by: Secretaria de Estado da Cultura/Direcção Geral das Artes/Goethe-Institut
Harun Farockiʼs ʻA Cruz e a Prataʼ consists of the Portuguese version of the film The Silver and the Cross, 2010, produced by Harun Farocki to be presented at the Lumiar Cité exhibition space, in Alta de Lisboa. It is a singlechannel film in which the image projected appears divided into two juxtaposed parts that are contextualised and complemented by a voiceoff. In this film/essay, Harun Farocki analyses the details of the painting Description of Cerro Rico and the Imperial Municipality of Potosí, painted by Gaspar Miguel de Berrío in 1758, which portrays the city of Potosí in Bolivia in great detail. The narration that Farocki introduces in the film is a discourse of Foucauldian ʻarchaeologyʼ of the painting, unfolding from the place and from the people involved in colonisation – the victims and the perpetrators, those who won and those who lost, the Amerindians and the colonisers for the Spanish crown, the forced workers and the free workers, the stonemasons, traders and craftsmen, the mine owners and foundry operators, the colonial administration and the clergy, the Spanish and their descendants.
Avenida António Augusto de Aguiar, 148 - 3º C
1050-021 Lisboa, Portugal
Monday to Friday, 10h00 to 13h00,
14h30 to 19h00
Tel: + 351 21 352 11 55
Manthia Diawara
AI: African Intelligence
Batoto Yetu Portugal, Caxias
01.12.2024, Sunday, 11h00
Adania Shibli
Times of Destruction
13.03 | 16h - 18h
14.03 | 10h - 13h, 14h - 17h
Registration is free but limited to the number of seats available. Please send an email with a short CV to admin@maumaus.org by 05.03.2025.
Lumiar Cité
Rua Tomás del Negro, 8A
1750-105 Lisboa, Portugal
Wednesday to Sunday, 15h00 to 19h00
or by appointment.
Tel: + 351 21 755 15 70
Jawad Al Malhi
18.01 – 20.04.2025
Maumaus/Lumiar Cité is funded by República Portuguesa – Cultura/Direção-Geral das Artes. With the support of Câmara Municipal de Lisboa and Junta de Freguesia do Lumiar.