Mason Leaver-Yap
Critical Intimacies: Changing Relations
in the Production of Contemporary Art
04.03.2024, 19h00

Venue: Maumaus
Avenida António Augusto de Aguiar, 148 – 3º C

Free Agent Media

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The language of ‘care’ is trending in institutional presentations of contemporary art, where the value of representation is equated with a form of institutional care. Through the maintenance of administrative and bureaucratic systems that consolidate power within their own managerial infrastructures, however, these same cultural institutions internally obfuscate routes towards care for the relationships critical to the production of art that institutions seek to exhibit. This talk draws on the speaker’s recent public outings, and argues for a different form of relating in the production of art by tracing and defining working forms of ‘critical intimacy’ – an awareness, sensitivity and care for relationships between individuals who temporarily gather around institutions in the act of art production. This presentation asks: In what ways do relationships within and around artistic institutions affect the material conditions of an institutional art world? And what does ‘art work’ look like when practised through a reflexive approach of working in relation to, and in dialogue with others?

Mason Leaver-Yap’s visit to Portugal is part of the Maumaus Residency Programme. In addition to the lecture, he is carrying out research into contemporary Portuguese artistic creation, an aspect of the Residency Programme that has already seen the participation of curators and researchers such as Sabine Breitwieser, Roger M. Buergel, Corinne Diserens, Ashish Ghadiali, Nuria Enguita Mayo, Elvira Dyangani Ose, Lucia Pietroiusti, Mats Stjernstedt, and Milan Ther, among others.

Mason Leaver-Yap works with artists to produce events, exhibitions and publications. Recent projects include work with Alexis Kyle Mitchell, Ima-Abasi Okon, Jamie Crewe, Onyeka Igwe, Phil Collins and Shady Lane Productions, Emily Wardill, Renée Green and Free Agent Media, Jimmy Robert, Ain Bailey, Andrea Büttner, Oreet Ashery, Stefanie Heinze and Beatrice Gibson. He lives in Glasgow.

The discussion will be in English. Entry is free and limited to the number of seats available.

For further information, please contact:
Tel + 351 21 352 11 55

Mason Leaver-Yap’s visit to Portugal is part of the Maumaus Residency Programme. In addition to the lecture, he is carrying out research into contemporary Portuguese artistic creation, an aspect of the Residency Programme that has already seen the participation of curators and researchers such as Sabine Breitwieser, Roger M. Buergel, Corinne Diserens, Ashish Ghadiali, Nuria Enguita Mayo, Elvira Dyangani Ose, Lucia Pietroiusti, Mats Stjernstedt, and Milan Ther, among others.


Avenida António Augusto de Aguiar, 148 - 3º C
1050-021 Lisboa, Portugal
Monday to Friday, 10h00 to 13h00,
14h30 to 19h00

Tel: + 351 21 352 11 55


Grande Auditório da Faculdade de
Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa
14.03 | 19h


Adania Shibli
Times of Destruction

13.03 | 16h - 18h
14.03 | 10h - 13h, 14h - 17h

Lumiar Cité

Rua Tomás del Negro, 8A
1750-105 Lisboa, Portugal
Wednesday to Sunday, 15h00 to 19h00
or by appointment.
Tel: + 351 21 755 15 70

Luisa Cunha
28.09. – 22.12.2024

07.12 | 18h00 In dialogue with Luisa Cunha


Jawad Al Malhi
18.01 – 04.05.2025

Maumaus/Lumiar Cité is funded by República Portuguesa – Cultura/Direção-Geral das Artes. With the support of Câmara Municipal de Lisboa and Junta de Freguesia do Lumiar.

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