Past exhibition at Lumiar Cité:

Mapa da Musgueira

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In the tradition of Architecture Without Architects, Mapa da Musgueira (Map of Musgueira) functions as a particular event in the evolving history of social architecture.
In practice, Mapa da Musgueira functions as the omniscient disclosure of space. As a metaphor, the neighborhood of Musgueira/ Alta de Lisboa is transformed into Bentham's Panopticon through a work of social architecture that does not require the physical manipulation of space or materials.
As a result, Mapa Da Musgueira is accessible to the public as As a virtual work that is available for view outside of the exposition space, Lumiar Cité, the requisite of a social contract between the spectator and author, is modified, if not delivered into obsolescence., to launch on 28 January 2010, will be universally accessible from the internet, at the given address. The site will deliver a current map of Musgueira/ Alta de Lisboa. The map will confront the traditional understandings of cartography, as it is produced from thousands of photographs and will result in a three dimensional space, that will allow for manipulation from the end user.
Akin to a similar technology in use by Street View in Google Maps, Mapa da Musgueira furthers the use of available technology by producing high resolution virtual environments not based on an existing transportation infrastructure. Fifty virtual maps of Musgueira/ Alta de Lisboa will allow for infinite navigation to the end user, through the all the hills, developments, and obscure corners of Musgueira/ Alta de Lisboa.
Functioning as the exhibition space for Maumaus – Escola de Artes Visuais, Lumiar Cité continues to explore and define the relationship between the arbiters of culture and a given social architecture. First given as a gesture against the Paris Salon of the mid 19th century, the Salon Des Refusés re-situated a given language and relationship, that between the spectator, institution, and author.
As an enterprise, and a result of the shift in manufacturing from industrialized to developing nations, the 20th century saw the physical transformation of existing architectures for the dissemination of cultural capital. In The Rise of The Creative Class, Richard Florida elaborates on the simultaneous social, economic, and political morphisms that paralleled the creative communities emigration from codified to improvised architectures.
The situation of Lumiar Cité in Musgueira/ Alta de Lisboa again tenders the situation of a given
agenda and acts as the catalyst in supplanting the previous relationships of culture and the citizen.
Mapa da Musgueira, acts as the aggressor in affirming the new relationships demonstrated by the existing architectures, geographies, and cultures of Musgueira/ Alta de Lisboa.
As a gesture to the parallel transformation of real space, Mapa da Musgueira also presents a physical component available for view within the gallery walls of Lumiar Cité.
A new sculpture from 2010 by Edgar Pedroza, Arquitectura Imigrante Vernáculo (Vernacular Immigrant Architectures), acts as a simple metaphor for the social, economic, and political programs demonstrated by urban development.
Arquitectura Imigrante Vernáculo, 2010, will be visible from the interior and exterior of the exposition space, Lumiar Cité, as a miniature architectural event, contorting steel, through modern methods of construction. The work will also be visible at night, as the interior site will be illuminated by multiple industrial lamps, providing two thousand watts of illumination.


Avenida António Augusto de Aguiar, 148 - 3º C
1050-021 Lisboa, Portugal
Monday to Friday, 10h00 to 13h00,
14h30 to 19h00

Tel: + 351 21 352 11 55


Independent Study Programme
Call 2025
Until 31.08.2024


Manthia Diawara
Angela Davis: A World of Greater Freedom
Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon
30.09.2023, 19h00

Commissioned by Serpentine, MUBI and PCAI Polygreen Culture & Art Initiative, as part of Serpentine's Back to Earth project.



Avenida António Augusto de Aguiar, 148 - 3º C
1050-021 Lisboa, Portugal

The discussion will be in English.
Entry is free and limited to the number
of seats available.


Encounters between art and philosophy

Seminar 4
Turbid Media

with Esther Leslie

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Sala 3, Zona de Congressos
19.–21.06.2024, 11h–13h,14h–17h

Programme 5
True or false

Salam Cinema (1995)
by Mohsen Makhmalbaf
with Esther Leslie and Jihan El Tahri

with Esther Leslie and Jihan El Tahri

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Auditorium 2
09.05.2024, 18h30


Programme 4

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Programme 2:
(de)framing the frame

Meeting the Man:
James Baldwin in Paris (1970)
by Terence Dixon

with Sarah Lewis-Cappellari
and Kerstin Stakemeier

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Auditorium 2
23.11.2023, 18h30

Programme 1:
space, place and memory

with Billy Woodberry
and Ruth Wilson Gilmore

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Auditorium 3
13.10.2023, 18h30

Manthia Diawara
Angela Davis: A World of Greater Freedom
Sharjah Biennial 15
07.02. – 11.06.2023

Manthia Diawara
A Letter from Yene
Batalha Centro de Cinema, Porto


Amanda Boetzkes
Realism Without Authority
01.04, 04.04.2022
10h–13h, 14h–17h

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Registration is free but limited to the number of seats available. Please send an email with a short CV to by 24.03.2022. Confirmation of registration will be sent by email. The seminar will be in English.

Lumiar Cité

Rua Tomás del Negro, 8A
1750-105 Lisboa, Portugal
Wednesday to Sunday, 15h00 to 19h00
or by appointment.
Tel: + 351 21 755 15 70

Loretta Fahrenholz
Circle Navel Nil
24.04. – 27.06.2021

24.06 | 18h00 Online conversation with Sabeth

Buchmann, Loretta Fahrenholz and Jürgen Bock


Dozie Kanu
20.01. – 14.04.2024

20.01 | 16h00 Opening of the exhibition

16.03 | 17h00 Talk between Dozie Kanu

and Simon Thompson


Sid Iandovka & Anya Tsyrlina with Leslie Thornton & Thomas Zummer

A combined exhibition between
Lumiar Cité and Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg.

A combined exhibition between
Lumiar Cité and Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg.

Lumiar Cité
27.04. – 28.07.2024

Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg
18.05. – 28.07.2024

27.04. – 28.07.2024 | Lumiar Cité

18.05. – 28.07.2024 | Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg

A co-production by Lumiar Cité
and Artium Museum

14.10 | 17h00 Book launch with talk between

Alejandro Cesarco and
Miguel Wandschneider

| 18h00 Opening of the exhibition


Artium Museum, Vitoria-Gasteiz
24.03. – 24.09.2023


Lumiar Cité
14.10.2023 – 14.01.2024


The Educational Web
Kunstverein in Hamburg
01.04. – 06.08.2023

Closed 24, 25, 31 December and 1 January

Arne Kaiser and Jürgen Bock

In cooperation with Lumiar Cité:

Tiffany Chung
Thu Thiêm: an archaeological
project for future remembrance
08.06. - 08.09.2019

Johann Jacobs Museum

In co-production with Lumiar Cité:

Alejandro Cesarco
Other Recent Examples
24.03. - 24.09.2023

Artium Museum

The Educational Web
31.03. - 06.08.2023

Kunstverein in Hamburg

Maumaus/Lumiar Cité is funded by República Portuguesa – Cultura/Direção-Geral das Artes. With the support of Câmara Municipal de Lisboa and Junta de Freguesia do Lumiar.

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